Hi there.

My name is Ratih Mardiyantini. A-twenty-year-not-a-girl-not-yet-a-woman.  I kinda like called a woman.
I love my life and family, love being loved and now, loving my love.
I’m a casual and simple person, trying not to be a selfish but actually love some perfection. I love to dance and learn to be a choreographer: your routine can be more specific with your sense. I love to read, any kind of writing, newspaper, novel, poem, story, and any characters at the back of a shampoo.

I love to eat, a lot. But sometimes eating too much make you sick. It’s like a 24-hour flu, you get it, then you’re really sick, and then you forget it, but with a big big guilty pleasure of course :p

I like any kind any genre of music. Right now I’m listening to D’Masiv, but not trying to be a Massivers. I’m not just that into them. Hehehe.
Right now I’m staying in Yogyakarta, a place called “kos-kosan”, studying dentistry major at Gadjah Mada. My goal-seeking since junior high is being a dentist, but when I stepped and learn it, I’m trying not sink when my friend swim. Hahahaha..

I missed my family so much, so I’m ‘utilizing’ them a lot when I meet them. And now I have some one, I prefer call him my life-time partner (perhaps), coz I think we’re perfect for each other but hating in a first placed. He can make me laugh, loved, angry, and stupid at the same time. Hahaha. But still, I hope that we could make a happy-ending love story.

I learn to be some one who came in handly with any kind of situation. I’ve run up against a problem, and I have a conclusion that crying never solve a problem, but can make you calm down.

I’m enjoying sitting in front on a cup of coffee in a right spot. I love a classy-unique place, without tumultuous circles. For me, a good story came from a good coffee with a great partner and a well spot. But sometimes noisy place is a right place to have a private conversation. Itinerant food stalls, sidewalk food-vending stalls, coffee shop, restaurant, bench, park, it doesn’t matter.

This is my stories that you may read it,
just enjoy..
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